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Questions regarding SSP & Covid-19 Virus

We’ve received a few enquiries over the weekend regard sick pay and some general accounting queries related to the current Covid.19 Virus issues, obviously this is a changing situation but as at 9am on 9th March 2020 the answers are correct.

What are the Statutory Sick Pay rules?

These are here: https://www.gov.uk/statutory-sick-pay

We automatically work out the correct rules regarding pay according to the legislation on the day the employee is notified as sick, currently the first day for SSP is day 4.

If an employee ‘self-isolates’ for 14 days, do I need a sick note?

Technically, under current rules, yes the employee should supply a fitness to work note after the first 7 days of sickness and additionally one may be required prior to returning to work depending on the
content of the previous note(s). However the Government have indicated that this may be waved in the current situation – this has not yet been confirmed.

If an employee doesn’t come to work because they are concerned they might contract Covid.19 from the workplace, can they be paid?

This an HR area for which we can’t give specific advice, however for the purpose of pay if an employee is not on paid annual leave, another form of paid leave or is sick then an employer might treat this as an unauthorised absence and in most cases this would not be paid. We encourage all
employers to take steps to ensure their workplace has increased biosecurity measures and keeps employees updated with safe work practice, every employer has a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act to ensure employees are safe.

When will employers get clarification on the rules relating to Covid.19 Virus?

The Government has indicated that specific legislation will be enacted towards the end of March 2020 although we may clarification in the Budget on Wednesday 11 March 2020.

If I have to close my premises or stop my business can I get compensation?

Currently there is no compensation package as a result of this outbreak from the Government, however Covid.19 is a notifiable disease under Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010 and some insurance policies may specifically cover closures due to forced closing in these circumstances , you should check your policy for further details. Additionally you should check that you have a business continuity plan, potentially allowing staff to work remotely, allowing additional time for staff to undertake additional biosecurity measures and ensuring proper cleaning is undertaken.

I’ve heard that…….

Unfortunately we’ve also see the various rumours floating around social media and various websites and there is so much unknown about the business community will be affected by this, we’ll do our best to keep you updated with official information of what might affect you, however we cannot speculate on what might happen or whether you’ll need 60 toilet rolls and 50 bags of pasta!

What measures have Hippey Accountancy taken?

As part of our business continuity plan we have the ability to work remotely from pretty much any location, where we attend a client’s premises we ask that we are notified in advance if a Covid.19 case is present and we will make alternative arrangements. This may mean that staff are not always in contact with each other and in different locations therefore we ask that urgent or important information is either sent by email to the Admin mailbox or by telephone to 01908 597904.